Many companies nowadays have learned how to achieve attractive decorative coatings, including those that formed yesterday and completely disappear tomorrow. However only a few of them can ensure that the work they have done is perfect. And if in fact materials define the looks of the interior design, the life-cycle and quality are defined by ingredients and techniques of their application.
ARTWALL company uses and sells only certified products that meet the requirements of current health legislation on the results of sanitary-epidemiological expertise of Ukraine’s Ministry of health.
La Calce Del Brenta line of products does not contain formaldehyde, heavy metals and phenols. The products comply with VOC level requirements (volatile organic compounds), approved by the EU directive 2004/EU since 2010, and are of the highest environmental class A +. It is confirmed by international quality certificates, which you can find on our site.
When ordering decoration of any premises it is important to remember that first and foremost it should be safe for your health. Many manufacturers make use of hazardous materials for the decorations to look attractive. The main danger is that toxins are accumulating gradually in your body. Not everyone can realize in this case that the reason for this was an unscrupulous decoration.
Premium materials and perfect application techniques of ARTWALL – are the keys to not only your health, but also to the durability of wall decoration in your interior. However, if you want the decorative covering, even of the highest quality, to maintain exceptional looks for years, one should strictly adhere to of usage and application instructions. On our site you can familiarize yourself with the basic characteristics and requirements for each type of proposed decorative material.
Please note that this technical information is based on our research knowledge and experience acquired while visiting foreign master classes, workshops and art studios. If the application of the material is not conducted by ARTWALL, we cannot neither confirm nor deny the correct usage of our materials. In this case, we guarantee the highest quality of the product only. For detailed advice on the application and working with our materials we recommend to contact the company’s managers and technical consultants.